I absolutely LOVE the changing seasons and I'm sure I'm not alone!
The shorter days have brought changes to the colours all around my house and gardens and my daily dog walking forays into the woodland behind my house results in more little finds for my nature table. If you haven't created a nature table since childhood then I recommend it. At the moment I have a small bowl of fresh green acorns that fell from the tree outside my studio, some cobnuts that I'm trying to work out a recipe for, some blackberry branches that are in the process of ripening and some sprigs of pink heather with little ferns. These are all sitting on one side if my kitchen table and are a great alternative to flowers or indeed a compliment to any seasonal flowers that you might have in a vase or jug.
My Cowdray farm shop bouquets are now taking on an autumnal feel with seed pods. dahlias, grasses, and berries all making an appearance. I'm really enjoying using the oranges, mustards, purples, deep reds and purples which look so fabulous at this time of year.
Wishing you a very happy Autumn season.
Autumn flowers of viburnum berries, mustard coloured roses, grasses, nigella seed pods and dahlias
Woodland bracken on the turn
Dahlias, clematis, grasses and blackberries
Teddy bear sunflowers